Land O'Lakes program helps Macedonian fruit growers modernize their equipment
North Macedonia
Monday 18 June 2007
Dushan Ciric is one of 40 companies in a Land O'Lakes program backed by USAID to modernize the operating techniques and equipment of fruit and vegetable producers in Macedonia. The four-year program helps the industry comply with European export standards and establish Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point food security measures. Sosev has been selling peaches and apricots through a Greek exporter. He has also sold to Latvia through a contract in Ukraine. Since he joined the program, Sosev's peach orchards increased from 100 to 150 hectares, and he has begun growing grapes. USAID/Macedonia invested US$1.1 million in the program, which aims to increase income and employment in the fruit and vegetable sectors of Macedonian horticulture through years 2004 till end of 2007.