A new management team for AREFLH
Wednesday 29 June 2016
The AREFLH (Assembly of European Fruit and Vegetable Growing and Horticultural) held its General Assembly on 22 June in Brussels.
Ms. Simona Caselli, Assessor of Agriculture of the Emilia-Romagna region was elected President of AREFLH. She succeeds to Ms. Serret Aleu, Minister of Agriculture of the Catalonia region. M. Caselli said he was honored to reach the Presidency of AREFLH, the joint work between the College of Regions and Producers College is leading a European scale.
She stressed that AREFLH must continue its lobbying to defend producers at European level. The important work AREFLH started at the Research and Innovation to continue, to the best use of resources provided by the European Commission, and achieve increasing the quality, flavor and specificity of Fruits & European vegetables through innovation. Finally, to compensate for the decline in consumption in Europe and promote the products, it is vital to enhance the promotion from schools.
The College of the Farmers AREFLH also met for its General Assembly. Mr. Jean-Louis Moulon (IDFeL Loire Valley) succeeds Mr. Luciano Trentini as President of the College of Producers and Vice President AREFLH. Work priorities will focus on the key themes set out by the new President.
source : areflh org