Interfel contest the study over the increase of 68 % of organic fruits
Tuesday 31 August 2010
FJ | Interfel
Fruit and vegetables are not in increase of 68%.
The survey made by the association "Familles rurales ", showing a 68 % rise in prices for fruit and vegetables is deeply contested.
Interfel contest these figures. Interfel present an average price of 2,31 € per kilo for organic fruits, against 1,99 € per kilo for a normal production, that is a difference of 16 % .
For the organic vegetables,the difference is of 23 %, with an average price of 2,35 € against 1,91 € for the non organic.
The study of "Familles Rurales " showed an increase of 68 % between organic and non organic fruits, and 69 % for the organic vegetables or not.
Interfel deeply contest the indicated figures and the methodology to realize this study. Interfel notes that the study is led over a "very short period" (2 weeks) and “only on 38 areas ".
Interfel refers to a much wider panel and covers all France.
Source : la france agricole, afp.