Fresh oranges production in Mexico in 2008
Friday 12 December 2008
According to industry sources, production is forecast to be approximately 10 percent lower from 2007/08 production.
Orange production from the northern states of Mexico has been affected by dry weather conditions, which will reduce the crop size. For example, Veracruz, the largest orange producing state could see a 15 to 20 percent reduction, and Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas expect close to a 30 percent decrease compared to 2007/08 orange production.
Fresh orange production estimates for 2007/08 were revised upwards about 7.5 percent from previous estimates based on official data. Although, there were some citrus areas in Veracruz with little production (Martinez de la Torre, Tecolutla, Gutierrez Zamora), due to storms and hurricanes during August and October 2007, the overall production was good.
Domestic market demand was covered throughout the year and even during the normal low season months (May-August), production was higher than expected. 2006/07 fresh orange production estimates were also revised upward based on official data. Some producers estimate the harvest could have been slightly higher.
Area planted and harvested for 2007/08 was revised upward as some specific areas in Mexico invested in area planted. Some grower’s associations planted more orange trees to reconvert low yield crops to orange trees as is the case in Baja California Sur and Sonora, and to spur new development projects as is the case in the state of Yucatan. However, some growers have been abandoning groves, or switching to other crops, due to high production costs, wide swings in fresh orange prices, unfavorable weather and marketing problems. Historical increases in orange production have been predominantly due to increased tree density, rather than an expansion in area planted. Area planted and harvested for 2006/07 was updated based on official data.
Area planted and harvested for 2008/09 is not expected to increase much over the
2007/08 area due to a general economic uncertainty and an expected slowdown in domestic economic growth.
Country-wide, orange yields for 2008/09 are forecast to be slightly lower, approximately 11.7 mt/ha, compared to 2007/08 yields due to a drier season in the northern states. 2007/08 yields are estimated at 12.9 mt/ha.