Positive estimates for citrus exports threatened by the impact of the pandemic
South Africa
Friday 27 March 2020
Estimates are satisfactory, but the impacts of COVID-19, in South Africa as in importing countries, escape forecasts (Photo: farmersweekly.co.za).
The citrus export season in South Africa will start in May, the export volume should be 13% higher than the previous year. However, the COVID-19 pandemic risks threatening these forecasts, in the country that has just been placed in containment and in destination countries.
According to the CGA (Citrus Growers Association), the country should export 143.3 million boxes of citrus to more than 100 countries in 2020. This represents an increase of 13% compared to 2019, the year that 126.7 million boxes were exported. This Growth is largely due to the arrival of new orchards to production and good rains in certain regions.
The impacts of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic are elusive and the sector is concerned about the situation in Europe, the largest citrus export market in South Africa. A drop in demand is expected.
The South African government decided the general closure from Friday March 27 for 21 days. The necessary transport services continue, air and sea transport for essential products is allowed
fuente : cga.co.za, voanews.com