Carrot production of Peru reached 192.126 tons in 2020
According to the Agriculture General Directorate of the Peruvian Ministry for the Development of Agriculture and Irrigation (MIDAGRI), in 2020 the country harvested approximately 7.617 hectares of carrots, with a production of 192.126 tons, with an average yield of 25.2 tons per hectare.
The main carrot producing departments in Peru are Arequipa, Lima, Junín, La Libertad and Cusco.
The department of Arequipa is the leader in production with 84.504 tons (43.9% of the total), followed by Lima with 44.142 tons (22.9%), Junín with 24.923 tons (12.9%), Cusco with 8.625 tons (4.4%), La Libertad with 8.047 tons (4.1%), adding 88.6% of the national carrot production.
On the coast, carrots are harvested between June and December; in the central highlands the harvest is stable throughout the year, starting in April until March. The period of greatest harvest is between June and December, a period in which the supply of carrots from the coast and the central highlands coincide, when 58 percent of the national supply comes out.
According to studies by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics of Peru (INEI), carrot consumption per capita per year reaches 6.9 kilos, and it tends to increase, driven by the gastronomic boom of recent years in Peru.