The Elephant Garlic available in the United Kingdom
Supersize Elephant Garlic has been launched at Waitrose stores as shoppers increasingly rely on standard garlic as a home cooking staple.
The huge bulbs are the size of oranges and a single clove is nearly as big as a whole bulb of standard garlic.
In the last couple of years fresh garlic has sold very well at Waitrose and it is certainly becoming much more of an everyday purchase.
Its debut at Waitrose follows a 24% upturn in the amount of standard fresh garlic bought by the supermarket’s shoppers during 2010.
A bulb of Elephant Garlic stands around 11cm high including the stem and is up to 10cm in diameter.
These supersize bulbs are grown on a farm at the foot of the Andes near Mendoza in Argentina.
Elephant Garlic are on sale at 228 branches of Waitrose at the price of £1.99 per bulb (2€24).
source : waitrose