Fall of lemons areas in the province of Alicante
Since 15 years the area under cultivation of lemons dropped by 34% in the Alicante region.
The Unió de Llauradors , Union producers , revealed that since 2000 the region lost 4,790 hectares of its acreage lemons . Stating that for the single year 2014 the loss is 976 hectares, or more than 3% of the total area ( 30 074 hectares).
Declining surfaces led to a decline in production but also higher prices . This price increase now could encourage some farmers to resume production , which could lead once again to over-production of lemons in 4 years.
The current campaign is better than the last in terms of price and quality of fruit according to the union . A supply problem can take place from April-May , precisely because of declining areas which limited production.
source : diarioinformacion.com vega-baja