Garlic export in increase
Friday 30 April 2010
The Peruvian exports of garlics increased by 178 % over the first two months of the year.
Over the first two months of the year, the Peruvian exports of fresh and cooled garlic increased by 178 % with regard to the same period last year.
The association of the Peruvian exporters (ADEX) indicated that these exports had reached the amount of 536.117 US $.
The countries of the Andean Community of nations (CAN) increased their commands of 97 % with regard to the first 2 months of the last year.
The first destination of these exports is Colombia, with 60 % of the total sales. Followed in the second position by Spain with 21 % of the total and Mexico, the third, with 19 % of the total exports.
source : andina