Potato consumption continues to evolve
United Kingdom
Monday 20 March 2017
Sales of potato products remain strong while sales of fresh potatoes are weakening.
Fresh potato sales in the United Kingdom have been declining for the last 10 years, but this has increased sharply over the last three years, but paradoxically, there has been no decrease in sales of potato products that remain stable.
According to the annual report on food published by DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) sales of fresh potatoes have fallen by 1 / 5th in the last 10 years and decreased by 7% in the last 3 years . Snack products based on potatoes, crisps and fries, remain stable over the last 10 years.
This decline in purchases of fresh potatoes could be explained by changing eating habits. The proliferation of 'carbohydrate' diets and other weight loss regimes that ban potatoes, but also the short duration that consumers spend on preparing meals and finally the transfer to other products (pasta, rice) .
source : daily mail co uk, the times