The record number of exhibitors at ExpoSE & ExpoDirekt 2018 trade fair
After welcoming over 6300 trade visitors from all over Europe, the expoSE and expoDirekt trade fair duo came to an end at Messe Karlsruhe. From 21 to 22 November 2018, 466 exhibitors (another record) from 14 nations presented their innovations for asparagus and berry cultivation as well as agricultural direct marketing.
“The interest of asparagus and berry producers in innovations is great. In view of the shortage of harvest workers, demand was primarily for technology for further mechanization and intensification as well as new impetus and additional products for agricultural direct marketing. Because of the difficult conditions of the past season – heat and high harvest volumes combined with seasonal labour shortages and low prices – we experienced a decline in the number of visitors to this trade fair duo”, explains Simon Schumacher, executive committee speaker of the Verband Süddeutscher Spargel- und Erdbeeranbauer e.V. (VSSE; Association of South German Asparagus and Strawberry Growers).
The exhibitors were highly satisfied with the quality of the technical discussions, the trade fair organization, and the ambience. They also noted an increase in the international audience. The visitors came from all over Europe as well as from countries like Canada and Thailand.
The 30th Asparagus Day, organized by the Regional Council of Karlsruhe and the District Office of Karlsruhe, was well attended on the first day of the fair. The lectures on the detection, prevention, and treatment of rust infestation in asparagus plants and the lack of harvest workers as well as practical tips on employee retention were well received. Further topics were origin experiments and variety experiments on asparagus. For ten years in a row, the Asparagus Day has presented a specialized lecture from abroad. This year, Jaime Urbinas Diás from Spain presented the production of green asparagus in the Guadalajara region. The lecture “Mobile on the move – valuable impulses on the subject of sales tours and weekly markets”, which was organized by the trade magazine “HOFdirekt” at the Direct Marketer Forum, was also quite well received.
In general, exhibitors notice that the trade fair has become more international and attended by buyers and visitors from Finland, Lithuania, Austria, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and even Canada. The market shows a tendency towards direct marketing, so the fair gives the possibility to growers to communicate directly with the customers, to show the range of their products, to let the visitors taste them and receive their feedback.
The next trade fair duo expoSE and expoDirekt will take place from 20 to 21 November 2019 at Messe Karlsruhe.
Contact persons:
Simon Schumacher
VSSE CEO and Board Spokesman
Tel.: +49 7251 3032080
Isabelle Bohnert
Press and Public Relations Officer
Tel.: +49 7251 3032184