A good harvest in perspective for the Cévennes sweet onion
Wednesday 15 June 2022
FJ | Origine Cévennes SCA
The 2022 campaign got off to a good start for sweet onion producers in the Cévennes: good quality plants and excellent weather conditions for manual transplanting (Photo: originecevennes.com).
The manual transplanting period went very well for all the sweet onion producers in the Cévennes. This bodes well for a good harvest for this 2022 campaign.
Sown in winter on terraced plots facing due south, or in nurseries, the Cévennes sweet onion is in fact transplanted manually at the end of spring and then harvested in summer. Started on May 2, manual transplanting has just ended and benefited from excellent weather conditions.
This year the transplanted area is similar to that of 2021 and the plants were of high quality, which suggests a good harvest for this 2022 campaign.
The production of sweet onions in the Cévennes amounts to approximately 2,500 tonnes per year. The Origine Cévennes cooperative brings together 80 producers and markets to large retailers (55%) and wholesalers (35%). Export is focused on Italy, Switzerland, Benelux and Germany. The Cévennes sweet onion is on sale from mid-August to the end of March.
The Cévennes sweet onion is a top-of-the-range product with recognized quality, it is the first onion to have obtained an AOC (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée) in 2003 and an AOP (Protected Designation of Origin) in 2008.
source : origine cevennes