Marseille port, +14.3% of fruit & vegetables traffic in 2007
Thursday 20 March 2008
With 626,900 tons per year, the Port of Marseille (PAM) overtakes the average of the last five years’ traffics and strengthens its position as first French port in the fruit and vegetable traffic: 2007 was characterized by a growth of 11.4% of fresh activities.
This positive trend seems even more marked if we consider international traffics. Actually, not considering the exchanges with Corsica (31,000 tons), the activity registers a 14.3% increase.
Port of Marseille’s international market of fruit and vegetable is still focused on three Countries: Israel, Algeria and Tunisia, which concentrate 62% of traffics.
In 2007, traffics with Israel and Algeria registered respectively +20% and +13% increase. From Israel, Port of Marseille-Fos received 188,100 tons, mainly potatoes, avocados and grapefruits. Exchanges with Algeria (76,500 tons) were mainly made of apples for exports, while Tunisia in 2007 registered a 2% decrease of its traffics.
Traffics with Argentina, the 4th customer Country, in 2007 increased by 47% (30,100 tons), thanks to citrus fruits and nuts. A renewal of exotic fruits’ deliveries from Madagascar has been registered as well (+23%, 15,300 tons).
Concerning products, apples are the Marseille’s most exported goods with 85% of tonnage and a traffic of 117,000 tons in 2007, that means +25% over 2006. Potatoes are the most imported products, with 112,000 tons of traffic (+41% over 2006).
In 2007, Marseille basins received 72% of the port’s fruit and vegetable traffics, while Fos covered 23%, totally containerised. The growing containerization of this activity, +26% last year, seems favourable to Fos, whose contribution registered 44% increase. However, Marseille still register a positive trend (+6%), where the container part increased by 12%.
This positive trend seems even more marked if we consider international traffics. Actually, not considering the exchanges with Corsica (31,000 tons), the activity registers a 14.3% increase.
Port of Marseille’s international market of fruit and vegetable is still focused on three Countries: Israel, Algeria and Tunisia, which concentrate 62% of traffics.
In 2007, traffics with Israel and Algeria registered respectively +20% and +13% increase. From Israel, Port of Marseille-Fos received 188,100 tons, mainly potatoes, avocados and grapefruits. Exchanges with Algeria (76,500 tons) were mainly made of apples for exports, while Tunisia in 2007 registered a 2% decrease of its traffics.
Traffics with Argentina, the 4th customer Country, in 2007 increased by 47% (30,100 tons), thanks to citrus fruits and nuts. A renewal of exotic fruits’ deliveries from Madagascar has been registered as well (+23%, 15,300 tons).
Concerning products, apples are the Marseille’s most exported goods with 85% of tonnage and a traffic of 117,000 tons in 2007, that means +25% over 2006. Potatoes are the most imported products, with 112,000 tons of traffic (+41% over 2006).
In 2007, Marseille basins received 72% of the port’s fruit and vegetable traffics, while Fos covered 23%, totally containerised. The growing containerization of this activity, +26% last year, seems favourable to Fos, whose contribution registered 44% increase. However, Marseille still register a positive trend (+6%), where the container part increased by 12%.