Apples, pears and grapes on Russian market in 1st week of September 2008
Thursday 11 September 2008
Moscow as well as regions were full of domestic and Moldavian stuff with a lot of varieties offered in range – 0,81 – 1,22 US$/kg. Saint-Petersburg had mainly imported apples. Polish Paula Red and Delicates varieties were sold from 1,30 US$/kg up. Serbian Mutsu made another step down – to 1,63 US$/kg level. Chinese old crop Fuji – about 1,91 US$/kg up. New crop Golden, Royal Gala and Granny from France in sizes 70/80 were offered in range 2,19 – 2,255 US$/kg. Some last South African Granny and Cripps Pink varieties were sold on 2,71 US$/kg level.
Generally the demand for pears was still strong enough despite of appearance of more varieties.The main variety on the Russian market in the beginning of September was Williams. The trade took place in range 1,88 – 2,00 US$/kg. New crop Conference has entered the market and was offerred without bargaining on 2,44 US$/kg for size 75+, 2,38 US$/kg for size 65+, 2,30 US$/kg for size 55+. First Triumph pears were sold on the same price level. Guyot variety has finished it’s story for this season. Polish Favorit variety in size 60+ was sold on 1,59 US$/kg level.
The situation with grapes has shown the trend of demand for Uzbekistani production which was not too active offered on the market in week 36. As a result prices rocketed to the 3,66 US$/kg level despite of the presence of large quantities of Turkish Sultana (1,63 US$/kg in the beginning of the week, 1,71 US$/kg in the end of it), Greek (1,83 US$/kg) and Italian (2,68 US$/kg) grapes. Egyptian grapes whose price went down the 1,00 US$/kg level was not in demand at all.