Europatat 2013
It's in the Czech Republic that the Europatat Congress 2013 will take place.
Europatat 2013, Congress of the European Potato Trade Association, is organized in conjunction with UBS (Ustredni Bramborarsky SVAZ), the Czech Association of potato producers. Reservations are now being accepted for this 65th Congress to be held in Carlsbad, well-known Czech spa, from May 30 to June 1, 2013.
Forum for debate and discussion, the Congress is a key event for industry professionals and will gather all the European sector of the potato. Among the issues discussed, the evolution of trade in potatoes in Central and Eastern Europe. The local market was strongly influenced by the successive enlargements of the European Union to the East of the continent and by the investments of Russia and Ukraine in the field.
Source: Europatat