PotatoEurope confirms its international dimension
Friday 17 September 2010
192 stands representing 18 different countries reported a total of some 8,200 visitors from around the globe.
PotatoEurope 2010, which took place on 8 and 9 September on Bockerode Estate in Springe-Mittelrode near Hanover, attracted potato professionals from around the globe. Initial feedback by the event organizer, DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft - German Agricultural Society), reported a total of some 8,200 visitors from 49 countries at this top event in the international potato sector.
The exhibitors were full of praise for the large number of attendees the event managed to draw in. The atmosphere on the 192 stands representing 18 different countries was extremely professional, providing excellent framework conditions for intensive expert talks.
Visitors came from abroad, mostly from the Netherlands, Russia, the Czech Republic, Austria, France, Denmark, Spain and Poland.
Some experts however came to PotatoEurope 2010 from as far field as Asia, North and South America and even Africa to find out more about new and tried-and-tested species and seed as well as the latest production and marketing technology.
Source : potatoeurope