Spain is first in Europe
Wednesday 21 April 2010
Firsst for increase of the organic areas, Spain has one of the most low consumptions of organic products.
According to figures indicated by Eurostat, Spain is the first European country in term of surface intended for the organic farming with 1,3 million hectares.
The last report of the Agency of Statistics of the European Union, Eurostat, shows that between 2005 and 2008, surfaces intended for the organic farming in 27 countries of the EU increased by 21 %.
They represented 7,8 million hectares in 2008, the equivalent of 7 % more than in 2007. The first 5 member states of this classification are Spain (1,3 million hectares), Italy (a million hectares), Germany (0,9 million hectares), United Kingdom (0,7 milllion of hectares) and France (0,6 million hectares).
Spain also arrives in first for the classification of the surfaces increase in one year with an increase of 33 %, followed by Bulgaria (+ 22 %), Slovakia (19 %), Hungary (15 %), and Greece (14 %).
In Spain, 54,6 % of this “organic” cultures were intended for cereals, 29 % in herbaceous feeds, 3,6 % in the cultures of fresh vegetables, 3,2 % in industrial crops, and 9,6 % in other cultures.
source : eurostat et bulletins-electroniques