Papaw crop dying out in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Friday 06 March 2009
A deadly bug attack and warmer temperature from changing climate has wiped out much of the country’s papaw cultivation this year.
The result has been the skyrocketing of the price of this popular fruit from 0,50-0,54 eur per kilo two months ago to 1,8 eur a kilo at present.
According to agricultural officers the mealy bug, which has attacked even other cultivation, is a white insect which spreads over leaves and smothers the growth tree.
According to agricultural officers the mealy bug, which has attacked even other cultivation, is a white insect which spreads over leaves and smothers the growth tree.
On the other hand the increase in the temperature directly affects the papaw flower. It is believed the mealy bug has come into the country form the imported varieties of papaw.