The climatic conditions slow down the campaign of strawberries
The campaign of strawberries in Huelva province has been slowed by bad weather.
The area of Huelva - which produces 94% of Spanish strawberries - records a decrease in volumes with respect to the past year, due to climatic conditions, lower temperatures and heavy rains that have greatly slowed the production. Freshuelva estimate this slowdown to 15% during the months of January and February.
New rainfall in early March (up to 38 mm on 3 March) have delayed the ripening of fruits. The manufacturers claim that the rains have come at the worst time of the season when the fruit needs more sun to grow.
Luckily the weather forecast announce the return of mild temperatures for week 12. The manufacturers believe that, with favorable meteorological conditions, the volumes of production and export will be similar to previous years.
Source: ideal es, infoagro com