Regio'Com: the guide of best practices for the promotion of Fruits & Vegetables in Europe
Wednesday 23 May 2018
The AREFLH conference emphasized the importance of sharing experiences and best practices on the theme of promotion and consumption.
AREFLH presented the 4th edition of its Regio'Com guide as part of a conference organized in Macfrut with the support of the Emilia-Romagna region.
In order to combat the stagnation of fruit and vegetable consumption in Europe, AREFLH (Assembly of European Fruit, Vegetable and Horticultural Regions) wanted to highlight a number of food promotion and education actions implemented in Europe.
The Regio'Com guide gives an overview of the consumption of Fruits & Vegetables in Europe and highlights the stakes of promotion, a crucial lever for boosting consumption. It also identifies a series of initiatives at both international and local level, with a focus on interprofessional programs and actions carried out by producer organizations.