Vegan proteins are increasing life expectancy
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Monday 31 October 2016
Not only plant protein (beans, lentils, nuts, grains, seeds ...) are a source of benefits but their production is more sustainable than meat and without any disturbance to animals.
Further confirmation of the benefits of a diet based on plants. US researchers (Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital) have published the results of a study they conducted for 36 years with 130 000 people. Examining the diet, lifestyle and disease and death rates, the objective was to study the health effects of different protein sources.
They found that vegetable proteins considerably reduced the risk of premature death. Thus consumers of vegetable protein in comparison to consumers of animal proteins, have a significantly lower risk (34%) of early death. The researchers recommend replacing 15 to 19 grams of animal protein (equivalent to one sausage) with nuts, lentils and other legumes to improve his chances of longevity.
Another finding, over-consumption of meat (+ 10%) is associated with a higher mortality rate (+ 2%) and a higher risk of cardiovascular death (+ 8%).
UK GREEN GROW campaign encourages the cultivation of plant proteins. The country has at least 542 000 people following a vegan diet (150,000 in 2006) and 521,000 vegetarian, veganism has become one of lifestyles to stronger growth.
source : the vegan society