Very positive results for Macfrut Digital
Tuesday 15 September 2020
The 3-day virtual event featured presentations and forums (Photo: twitter / MacfrutFiera).
"The result obtained is extraordinary. We must thank the exhibitors who believed in this project and who shared this positive experience with us. Macfrut Digital is a very innovative, even visionary project, and all the participants touched on its great potential, both from a business and communication point of view "underlined Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut.
The organizers have announced a very positive outcome for Macfrut Digital (September 8-10): more than 32,000 attendances, 18,164 unique visitors, 208,000 pages viewed, 49% of foreign visitors, 11 Technical Forums (many of which have exceeded the limit of 300 participants).
"It is clear that we are the pioneers of a project which has great potential - continues Mr Piraccini - The future is heading in this direction and the Italian fruit and vegetable sector must absolutely be up to these rapid changes, especially in the current situation, where travel is limited. We have received many positive reviews for this new adventure. We will decide the future of the project with the operators of the sector. "
The platform will remain open until the end of September to watch Forums on Demand and view video content.
Next meeting with Macfrut will be from t4 to 6 May 2021 in Rimini.