Brexit could upset tradition at Wimbledon
United Kingdom
Monday 10 July 2017
British origin strawberries exclusively sold at Wimbledon. But would it continue post Brexit?
If the Wimbledon tournament is famous for the turf on which players compete, there is also another "must-have" linked to this competition: strawberries with cream.
Wimbledon strawberries seem more and more pleasing to the tournament audience. Last year, sales totaled to 28 tons of strawberries that come exclusively from farms in Kent. To remain affordable for all, the portion of strawberries sold on the tournament has remained at £ 2.50 for the past 7 years.
But the effects of Brexit are likely to change the situation, some studies suggest that the price of fruit could increase by 50% and lead to the end of the supply to the British producers. Professionals in the sector, fearing also after the Brexit a shortage of manpower for the harvests, do not exclude to import strawberries for Wimbledon.
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