The French company La Parmentière de la Vallée de l'Eure has moved
The French Company P.V.E. (la Parmentière de la Vallée de l'Eure) has moved its offices and stocks to its sister company P.V.M. (la Parmentière de la Vallée de la Maudre) in Meré, France (78). P.V.E. was actually a part of P.V.M. created to better serve their customers too far from Meré. After several years, it became clear that having a sister company was just too complicated as it lenghtened response time since fruits and veg. had to be shipped to P.V.E. in Dreux, France (28) before it could be sent directly to customers. Customers can now get in touch with the P.V.E. team by contacting the P.V.M. (