The Delicious Dozen : 12 good reasons to eat an apple a day
The US Apple Association has listed "The Delicious Dozen" to encourage people to eat more apples by emphasizing their preventive effect on certain diseases. The list compiles 12 proven benefits:
- Better protection of brain neurons
- Delaying effect on Alzheimer's disease
- Healthier heart,
- Improvement of the respiratory system,
- Reduction of the risk of asthma, - Better Digestive Health,
- Improved bone health and reduced risk of fractures
- Prevention of muscle wasting due to aging
- Improved weight loss
- Optimization of metabolism
- Strengthening the immune system
- Reduction in the emergence or proliferation of certain cancers.
Several organizations such as the American Cancer Society and the American Dietetic Association have joined this campaign to encourage greater consumption of apples.