Squash and pumpkins: an export market of 1.26 billion USD
All countries
Tuesday 29 October 2019
In 2018 Mexico and Spain were the two largest exporters together accounting for 55% of total exports.
The global market for pumpkin and squash exports in 2018 totaled $1.26 billion, up about 17% from 2014.
Pumpkin and squash exports by country totaled $1.26 billion in 2018, an increase of 17.1% for all pumpkin shippers in the five-year period beginning in 2014.
Among the continents, European countries accounted for the highest dollar value in 2018, with shipments valued at $614 million, nearly half (48.6%) of the global total. North American exporters came in 2nd with 33.9% largely ahead of Asian exporters with 6.3%.
In 2018, Mexico (508,000 tonnes) and Spain (352,000 tonnes) accounted for the largest exporters of squash and pumpkin, with 55% of total exports. Next comes New Zealand (81 000 tonnes), accounting for 5.1% of total exports, the United States (67 000 tonnes), Turkey (67 000 tonnes), Morocco (51 000 tonnes), Portugal ( 51 000 tonnes), the Netherlands (41 000 tonnes), France (36 000 tonnes), China (34 000 tonnes), Canada (33 000 tonnes) and Italy (33 000 tonnes).
source : worldstopexports.com, globaltrademag.com