German farmers and food producers made record volume of export in 2006
Wednesday 17 January 2007
According to the statement made on 2nd of january by Jorn DWEHUS who is CEO of Central Marketing Association - Centrale Marketing-Gesellschaft der Deutschen Agrarwitschaft Gm.bH -the magic point of 40 billion euro of export volume has been reached in the end of 2006.
CMA together with another watchdog of the market - ZMPGmbH - Independent Unit for Market&Price - revealed the data showing the export volume of 2006 with increase of 10,25 %compared to year 2005 and reaching 40,1 billions euro.
This shows very optimistic climate for general food export business.
However, the only branch less optimistic -as indicated by CMA- were exporters of fruit and vegetables who evaluate the business climate for +50 points - all other branches estimates were higher with breweries of 55 points the highest.
Last market research concerned about the trade with new EU members : Romania and Bulgaria, showed that already 25% of German exporters regularly delivers their products to both countries and the leading branches are : sweets,fruit and processed vegetables. It showed also that majority of exporters expects substantial simplifications of export conditions in present year.