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Korea (South) 17/04/2024

New record for frozen fruit imports into South Korea

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For South Korean consumers, fruit produced in the country has seen considerable increases, due to low production and the inflationary context.
Local media report that, according to data from the Korea Rural Economy Institute, imports of frozen fruit products hit a new record in 2023, reaching 64,000 tonnes.
Frozen blueberries are the preferred choice of South Korean consumers, ahead of frozen mangoes.
Abnormal weather conditions (heavy rains, heat waves) had a major impact on national fruit production. This led to considerable price rises, of around +71% for apples, +78.1% for mandarins and +61.1% for pears compared with the same period last year.
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According to data from the Korea Rural Economy Institute, imports of frozen fruit products hit a new record in 2023, reaching 64,000 tonnes (Photos:
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