NSG introduces new early strawberry variety Marimbella®
Born in 2005 in Basilicata, Nova Siri Genetics (NSG) has released 10 commercial varieties and 4 more in a process of patenting.
NSG has been specialized on R&D programs of new strawberry varieties and berries with low cold requirements, for producers located in areas with a mild Mediterranean climate. It currently proposes 10 commercial varieties, is having 4 more in process of patenting and other 6 in testing phase.
Rising stars
The main varieties in NSG's breeding programme are NSG 203-Marimbella®, NSG 465-Rossetta® and NSG 207-Gioelita®. These varieties are suitable for cultivation in Morocco and other early growing areas thanks to their excellent performance in terms of earliness, robustness, fruit quality, high productivity, regularity throughout the growing cycle and low plant mortality.