Dana: low impacts on Spanish exports
The tragic climatic issues of October 29th in Valencia and later in other Spanish provinces may affect about 6% of the value of the commercial exports citruses of the country, 30% of the kaki and less then 1% of the other varieties.
3 weeks after the tragic climatic incidents of Dana in Valencia province and other locations a clearer assessment can be made of its commercial impacts with Spanish produce exports. As for example, the Spanish Citrus Committee (CGC) estimates that Dana impacted between 12 and 16% of the Citrus export potential of the province and 6% at National level. Logistics and packing operations are not almost fully back to normal. €800 million and €1 billion is the estimated value of the damages, mainly on infrastructures. “Rains which fell moderately in most of the other producing provinces have been beneficial for the citrus and other fresh produce crops” explained CGC voice person Rafael Quilis.
One third of the kaki exports
Kaki exports have so far been the most affected, for about 100,000 tons of one third of the initial export estimates around 300,000 tons. Most of the Spanish production of Kaki persimmon is indeed located on the Valencia province and it is a more delicate fruit then citruses. “By October 29th the day of Dana in Valencia we had harvested about 33% of our commercial crop, and we lost about 50% of the remaining crops on the trees” confirms Pascual Prats, the chairman of the Spanish Kaki Association. The exporters also hope a price increase will partly compensate with the losses of harvest.
Less then 1% of vegetable exports from Almeria
About 4200ha of plastic greenhouses have been partly affected by the heavy rains in the province of Almeria, mainly around El Ejido. This may affect less then 1% of the commercial season according to Juan Pérez Zamarron, CEO of the COEXPHAL the exporters association of the province. In the most effected municipality of El Ejido the heavy rains may have caused about €200 million of damages, again mainly on infrastructures.